Monday, April 29, 2013


This lesson was all about crafts.  For this lesson we were to make a heart out of construction paper that we would make for our mom's for Mother's Day.  We cut out our heart and then made a boarder around the edge of the heart.  We then wrote a special message to our moms.  I wrote that she makes me my favorite foods when I am home.  Then we got to make a bracelet for our mom for Mother's day.  This was an interesting project because the beads were made out of strips of a magazine.  We were shown four different ways to make beads from the magazine pieces.  We made the beads, made a pattern for our bracelet and then strung the beads onto the yarn.  My finished product looks like this:

This project could be used in any younger elementary classroom as an activity for Mother's Day.  In language arts I would have the students write a letter to their mom's for Mother's Day.  The letter would include things they like and appreciate about their mom.  This letter would be included with this craft the students have made for their mom.

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