Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hidden Safari

The Hidden Safari lesson was presented by our art teacher as an example for our own lesson plans.  She first showed us what we were going to learn and do in the lesson.  She showed us how to draw upside down to make our drawings look more realistic.  We drew a safari animal on a piece of paper with a special pencil and then we used warm colors and drew a pattern over the top of our drawing. After drawing the pattern over the safari animal, the animal could not be seen with the naked eye. We then made our ruby red glasses, and these glasses were special glasses.  These glasses allowed us to see our drawing.  Here is what my final drawing looked like as well as a picture of the ruby red glasses to see the picture.

This would be a good activity for younger elementary students when they are learning about animals and what kinds of animals live in different places. The students could make their own animal, like I did for this project, and the projects would be displayed.  The students would all put on their ruby red glasses and look at the hidden pictures and see if they can figure out what animal is hidden in the picture.

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