Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sketch Art

This project was a fun and exciting project that could be incorporated into any younger elementary classroom.  As a class, we started out coloring thicker paper that was to be used for our final project, a Mother's Day card.  We had to color the paper with any colors we wanted and any pattern we wanted, but we had to make sure to color the paper very dark so you couldn't see any of the paper behind the crayon.  After we were finished coloring, we took our paper over to the painting station where we painted our colored side with special paint. (Black paint and dish soap)  We had to have a thick layer of paint, evenly spread onto the colored side of our paper.  When we were done painting, we took our paper to the drying station to let it dry.  

While our cards were drying, we took a smaller piece of paper and wrote a special note to our mom's for Mother's Day.  After this was done, we sketched what we wanted to put on the front and back of our card with pencil.  After our drawings for our cards were done, we picked up our dry painted cards, put our drawings over the top of the painted card and shaded over the backside of our drawings.  When we took our drawings off of the card, the drawings had transferred over to the card.  Now we could take our sketch pen and trace over our pencil lines to form our sketch art Mother's Day card.

This Mother's Day card making could be done in any younger elementary classroom when Mother's day is near.  This could be a 2 or 3 day process by letting the paint dry, creating the drawing, and sketching the art.  Student's would love to make their own cards for their mom's or guardian's for Mother's Day.  There could also be another activity that goes along with this card such as another art project to make for mom.

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