Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Imagination Drawing

This lesson was all about drawing.  The teachers paired us up in class and we were to draw any kind of line on a piece of paper.  We then had to trade with our partner.  The instructions were to draw something with that line.  We did this twice.  The first time I traded with my partner, she drew a straight line and I drew a playground.  The second time I traded with my partner, she drew a jagged and pointed line and I drew a train up in the mountains.  This is what I used for my final drawing.  We were able to color our drawing and write a story about our drawing.  Here is my finished product of the imagination drawing.

This lesson could be used in a language arts class.  The students could draw their picture like we did and then write a story about their drawing explaining what is happening and why they draw what they drew.  These could be hung up out in the hallway or in the classroom for others to look at and read.

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